

发布日期: 2017-06-30   作者:   浏览次数: 580

吴翔  工程师

华东师范大学 (中山北路3663) 理科大楼 B433

电话: 021-62233529

Email: xwu@sat.ecnu.edu.cn

2016至今 华东师范大学 工程师

2012.3-2016 :华东师范大学,助理工程师




2001.9-2004.3 华东理工大学分析化学专业硕士

1996.9-2000.7 华东理工大学应用化学专业学士




1. Jiang, Jun, Xiaoyu Guan, Shunying Liu, Baiyan Ren, Xiaochu Ma, Xin Guo, Fengping Lv, Xiang Wu, and Wenhao Hu. Highly Diastereoselective Multicomponent Cascade Reactions: Efficient Synthesis of Functionalized 1-Indanols. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52, no. 5 (2013): 1539-42.

2. Jiang, Jun, Xiaochu Ma, Shunying Liu, Yu Qian, Fengping Lv, Lin Qiu, Xiang Wu, and Wenhao Hu. Enantioselective Trapping of Phosphoramidate Ammonium Ylides with Imino Esters for Synthesis of 2, 3-Diaminosuccinic Acid Derivatives. Chemical Communications 49 (2013): 4238-40.

3. Wang, Chengjin, Shunying Liu, Dong Xing, Xin Wang, Xiang Wu, and Wenhao Hu. Efficient Synthesis of Α-Aryl Serine Derivatives Via Three-Component Reactions of Aryldiazoacetates, Anilines and Formaldehyde. Tetrahedron 69, no. 52 (12/30/ 2013): 11203-08.

4. Wang, Chengjin, Dong Xing, Dongwei Wang, Xiang Wu, and Wenhao Hu. Synthesis of 3-Amino-3-Hydroxymethyloxindoles and 3-Hydroxy-3-Hydroxymethyloxindoles by Rh2(Oac)4-Catalyzed Three-Component Reactions of 3-Diazooxindoles with Formaldehyde and Anilines or Water. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 79, no. 9 (2014): 3908-16.Xiaohong Li*, Yali Shen, Rong Xing, Yueming Liu, Haihong Wu, Mingyuan He, Peng Wu. Catal. Lett., 2008, 122: 325-329.